Evaluation Question 3

       What have you learned from your audience feedback?

By conducting audience feedback, I have learnt how important it is when creating products. I conducted most of my audience feedback during the planning of my products and part way through the production. I gathered audience feedback during the planning of my products to get a good idea about what my target audience is interested in, and what appeals to them the most. I also gathered audience feedback to make sure that the audience liked my ideas about my products. As the main aim of the products was to satisfy the needs of my target audience, I found that audience feedback was very important to do. I used survey monkey to create my questionnaires in order to gain the audience feedback I needed to improve my products and complete my aim. I also gathered audience feedback after my products were made, to make sure that the target audience where happy with the final products.  I wanted to confirm that the products were up to audience standard, and that they represented the genre as well as they could.

From collecting audience feedback, I have also learnt how easy it is to get audience feedback, as well as learning the different ways in which it can be done. I found it easy to gather audience feedback as I used survey monkey primarily. This website made it easy to not only create surveys and questionnaires, but also to share them in order to gain feedback. The website made it easy for the survey to be posted onto Facebook, sent through email and text, and embedded onto my blog. This gave me four media platforms instantly for me to gather feedback, which made it very easy. I then also had the ability to share the link, anyway I could to get more feedback. I learnt the different ways to gather audience feedback by doing this throughout my project. As well as survey monkey, I also learnt how to create good questionnaires on Microsoft word, and also learnt how to use different media platforms to share the questionnaire. I learnt about interviews and conducting focus group as well while collecting audience feedback. I conducted some interviews to gain feedback from specific audience types. I learnt how to do this effectively. I learnt how to successfully hold a focus group for my products as well which helped me massively as focus groups are a great way to gain feedback easily and sufficiently. I also learnt how to analyse results by collecting audience feedback. Once I got all of my feedback I analysed the results so I knew the outcome of my survey. Analysing the results made it easier for me to come to a conclusion and made it easier for me when I look back, to see what the audience were looking for. I learnt how to analyse these results with charts, which also helped me to learn about excel. This helped me a lot with the creative side of this project, as it helped me to gather more ideas that I could incorporate into my products, rather than just getting opinions on ideas I had already come up with. For example, during the focus group I got more ideas on content, as the group told me what they would be interested in reading about, after I left it open to them about what they would like to see in my magazine.  

I gathered audience feedback from my pitch. I pitched my idea for all of my products to an audience. This included my magazine, billboard, and website. When I pitched my product I gave information on what I was planning to create. I gave information on design, colour scheme, font, layout, and content for each of my products. After I gave my pitch I gathered feedback from the audience on how the pitch was delivered as well as the ideas that I proposed. I gathered this information by asking a few members of the audience what they thought of the pitch and content. An example of the feedback I gathered is “ the pitch is very detailed. It gives a lot of information on the products that you aim to create, including the little details. The pitch was interesting as well and I like the way it was set out. I like the products you showed us as well, they look very professional.” The feedback I collected from the pitch helped me to create my products. It allowed me to confirm my product ideas as well, as I could see what ideas my target audience liked or didn’t like. From my pitch, I confirmed the layout, colour scheme, and design, as the audience liked these ideas.

I also gathered general feedback throughout the whole process of researching, planning, and constructing my products. Most of this feedback was not gathered using survey monkey, or focus groups, but by asking peers to look at my work, and listening to their feedback. I would often ask what my peers thought of certain aspects of my work, and would often ask them which design they preferred out of two I had created. I did this on almost all of the products I made. I feedback I got on my layout and design was used to create the final design I have now of my products. I also used the feedback to decide which images to use in my products to give the right effect. By gathering feedback throughout the whole process, I have been able to create products that fit the target audience and fit in with real media texts.


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