The first image was the original website home page that I chose to recreate. I chose this website in particular because the layout was similar to the layout I have chosen for my final product, and because it was a regional magazine website which is the same as mine. The second image is my final recreation. I did this recreation using the program Microsoft Word. All of the images I used were taken from google images, but have a similar style of imagery and content. The fonts were all taken from Microsoft Word, and the colours were also chosen on Microsoft Word. I took a screenshot of the advertisement used so that it is the same. I created a similar patterned print by creating a line of images of the same print. The colours is very similar despite the pattern being different. The colours and fonts are very similar to the original, but there are things from the original that are missing on my recreation, such as small symbols. From doing this recreation I have learnt a lot of skills that will help me when creating my product, and it has also given me a good insight into how to create a layout like this with images.
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