Font Ideas - Website

These are my font ideas for the name of my magazine that I will use for all of my products. 

I aim to use the same fonts on my website as I do for my magazine. This is because I want my website to be the same as my magazine, but an online version, so the fonts and colours will be the same. I want to do this because I think it links the products together more. I also wanted to do this because the affect that I create with my fonts on the double page spread, is the same affect that I want to create for my website, and to do this I will need to keep the fonts the same. 

For the tabs that I will have on my website and other bits of information I aim to use the same font that I will use for the information on my Billboard, so the products are linked and give the same affect. Therefore, the font ideas for the tabs on my website are the same as those on my billboard.


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