E.T Extra Terrestrial Colour Palette

This is the colour palette for a very famous scene in the film E.T. The blues in this scene firstly represent the time of the scene being night time. The silhouette against the light clearly shows who the characters are as well as emphasising the height. Secondly the colour blue is often used to represent trust and loyalty, a common theme in the film with the main characters Elliot, and E.T. These two characters have a special bond and are very loyal to each other throughout the whole film, which is clear through the use of colours in this scene. The blue has a calming affect on the audience which links them to the characters feeling calm and tranquil in this scene. This colour palette helps with choosing the colour scheme for my media products. This deconstruction in particular shows the effects of using the colour blue. I like what the colour blue represents so I will definitely look into different shades of blue for my products. 


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